Tuesday, August 17, 2010

About 3 Days Left!

Shortly after my last post I received an e-mail from my host family in Denmark!  They are a kindergarten teacher, a law student my age, and his younger sister, who is my little brother's age.  They live in a town North of Copenhagen, called Helsingør.  I will be living very near the ocean, Sweden, and Hamlet's castle.  From what I've heard and seen, I will have about an hour commute each day to and from school.  At first, I groaned because some of my fellow students are a mere 2-5 miles from school, but then I thought some more.  I will have time to see the country (at least the east coast of the island of Zealand), do homework or other things.  It's also an adventure. :)

I have all but finished packing and I am at about 47lbs.  Actually, I am at a bit less, but if I round up that gives me some wiggle room.  I still have no clue where I am putting this computer, but I'll figure it out.  I'm just hoping that I don't go over on the way back when I have filled my suitcase with an overabundance of gifts and whatever clothes still fit me.

I exchanged some of my American money for Danish Kroner today, which got me thinking about how they price things there compared with here.  I figured out that there's about a $20 difference in the pricing when the DKK are converted back to $.  I REALLY hope I'll have enough to do all the things I want to do.

Wish me luck! :D

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